WP6: Research management and administration skills for international R&I funding

WP6 is led by SEZ. The work carried out in this WP can be summarised along these five goals:

  1. To better promote (nationally and internationally) the skills of TUIASI scientists in successfully acquiring R&I funding
  2. To build up more capacities for TUIASI administrative staff for attracting R&I funding
  3. To increase the competitiveness of TUIASI researchers in fundraising from international grant bodies and from national and international business organisations
  4. To improve the innovation capacity of TUIASI through infrastructural and training measures in order to commercialise TUIASI products and approaches
  5. To connect TUIASI researchers with European networks in order to facilitate their participation in Horizon 2020 (and the forthcoming Horizon Europe). This will be done through establishing a new TUIASI infrastructure, through training and job-shadowing activities with skilled researchers, project managers and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) experts, and through thematic workshops to facilitate an exchange of good practices

WP6 – Research management and administration skills for international R&I funding

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash